The MCC Schedule is packed with opportunities for learning, fellowship, worship, and networking. Join us on the campus of Great Lakes Christian College (6211 W. Willow Highway, Lansing MI 48917) from April 10-12, 2025.
A Children's Program, led by Shelley Gilpin and Jessica Prieto, will be offered for Preschool through Middle Schoolers. Shelley and Jessica are planning age-appropriate Bible lessons, activities, and a safe environment for the children that will run concurrently with the adult program. Colossians 4:2-6 -- Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should. Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.
This convention’s focus will consider practical ideas and provide ways for followers of Jesus to respond in compassionate and courageous ways by (a) knowing and adhering to a Biblical worldview conviction as they address an increasingly secularized culture, while (b) sharing and spreading the Gospel message to help people find Jesus and his church. Jesus calls his followers to be a church that moves the world, not to be a church that moves with the world. This convention will help Christians figure out how to do that in ways that are Christ-centered, compassionate, and courageous. THURSDAY 6:00-7:00pm Registration and exhibit area open 7:00-8:30pm Main session #1: Matt Proctor – Devoted to Your Relationship with God (Devote yourselves to prayer—Col. 4:2): A devoted and diligent Christian life is a life devoted to prayer. If we are to have an impact in this world, we must let God work through us. Prayer is fundamentally about God changing and using us. FRIDAY 8:15am Registration and exhibit area open 8:30-9:15am Coffee and Bible with Mark Moore 9:30-10:45am Main session #2: Orpheus Heyward – Diligent in Watchfulness and Devoted in Gratitude (being watchful and thankful—Col. 4:2) – Followers of Jesus are diligent in what is happening around them (aware of the culture). We are diligent in forming a Biblical worldview, and we are devoted to expressing thanksgiving regardless (Romans 1:21). 11:00-12:00 Breakout Session 1 Four Tracks to choose from, or attend the breakout that interests you. See details below. 12:00-2:00pm Lunch Break (on your own). 2:00-2:30pm Preacher contest winning sermon. 2:30-3:30pm Main Session #3 – Panel discussing challenges of being a faithful witness in this day and age. Matt Proctor, Mark Moore, Orpheus Heyward, and Daniel McCoy will answer your questions and weigh in on what they think is most pressing about being a faithful witness today. How do we best share truth with people? 3:45-4:45pm Breakout Session 2 Four Tracks to choose from, or attend the breakout that interests you. See details below. 4:45-7:00pm Dinner Break (on your own) 6:30pm Registration and exhibit area open 7:00-8:30pm Main session #4: Mark Moore – Devoted to Reaching the Lost (And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should—Col. 4:3-4) – How does remembering that we are citizens of heaven first influence the way Christians approach and engage our culture? Christians must be willing to face chains, and even be unpopular. Do relationships really matter when it comes to helping people find Jesus and his church? We must be devoted to reaching the lost. 8:30-9:00pm After-party with GLCC SATURDAY 8:15am Registration and exhibit area open 8:30-9:15am Coffee and Bible with Mark Moore 9:30-10:45am Main session #5: Daniel McCoy -- Diligent in Conversation (Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone—Col. 4:5-6) – Christians must be diligent in their dialogue with outsiders, engaging an unbelieving culture with the Gospel to win hearts to the Lord with compassion and discernment, rather than being fueled by anger. How do we love others and communicate without sacrificing our Christian conviction? We must be winsome in our demeaner. How are followers of Jesus to be both graceful and discerning in our interactions? We need to care more about winning the lost than winning an argument. 11:00-12:00 Breakout Session 3 Four Tracks to choose from, or attend the breakout that interests you. See details below. 12:00-1:30pm Lunch Break (Catered Lunch for those who registered and paid -- Don't delay registering for this if desired, since there are limited lunches available.) 1:30-3:00pm Main session #6: Matt Proctor – Devoted and Diligent Witness (Col. 4:2-6) – How do we engage a nation when the devil gains a foothold? Christians are willing to do the hard work to reach people when they ask tough questions. And we understand that relationships are key: with God and with others. BREAK-OUT SESSIONS:
There are four break-out session themed-tracks, with each track containing 3 different workshops addressing the track theme. You can follow a specific track from beginning to end, or attend the workshops that are of interest to you however you choose. 1. Discipleship (John Nugent) – PRIESTLY DISCIPLESHIP: (1) Light Living--Disciples at Home in Exile, (2) Risky Hospitality--Disciples Who Welcome the Undesirable; (3) Subversive Speech--Disciples in Perpetual Praise. 2. Tackling Real-Life Sexual Issues in the Culture and the Church (Rick McQuistion) -- SEXUALITY MATTERS: (1) God's Design for Sexuality; (2) Exposing Pornography to Find True Intimacy; (3) Addressing Counterfeit Sexuality with Awareness and Hope. 3. Apologetics (Daniel McCoy) – CHRISTIANS SPEAKING TRUTH IN A SECULAR CULTURE: (1) How Should Christians Relate to Non-Christian Religions? (2) Can Intelligent People Still Believe the Bible is True and Good? (3) How Can God be Good When He's Done Things that Seem Unjust? 4. Family Discipleship (David and Renee Sproles) – MAKING DISCIPLES THROUGH CHRISTIAN PARENTING: (1) Children First: The Call to Parent as Disciple-Makers; (2) Building Intentional Families: Faith in Action; (3) Faithful Families: A Plan for Growth. |
The Michigan Christian Convention (MCC) has served churches throughout Michigan for over 65 years by providing education and edification to support local work. We invite speakers and workshop leaders to help inform and inspire churches to greater service for our Lord. Our hope is that each person in attendance will find useful knowledge and tools for their work in the kingdom of God. |